
Day 181-183- October 14, 15 & 16

Clifton, TN to Iuka, MS, a pleasant roll up the river.  We were bucking about 1.5MPH current, but made good progress. The architecture was certainly varied! The houses on stilts are still commonplace here... unless they are on a hill like these below. The sexy new Garmin Plotter has a feature called "Auto Guidance", which I have been using extensively.  Find where you want to go, touch the screen and select Auto Guidance and it plots the course.  Then select "Engage Follow Route" on the autopilot and off you go. But... You have to watch it like a hawk!  Three times on today's route it did weird stuff like this - take you off the course, sometimes on to dry land.  Trust, but verify! Pickwick Lock.  It brings you up 54 feet.  This is as high as we will get on this leg of the journey.  It's all downhill from here to Mobile, Alabama. A 53' lock has really tall walls and gates. In case you forgot what a lock looks like... The floating bollard makes it easy to

Day 178-180- October 11, 12 & 13

Sea smoke on the water as we left. In the early morning, we made the very difficult decision to leave Pebble Isle Marina. As I told the owner the evening before, "We came for the cinnamon rolls.  We stayed for the cinnamon rolls.  We are leaving because of the cinnamon rolls." She even tried to send some along with us to bake later. NO! The "sea smoke" cleared pretty quickly. This is a huge chemical plant. I looked up their website to see what they make... CHEMICALS. Very vague. The river along this way is pretty much the original Tennessee River, as it would have looked 180 years ago.  Well, not the bridges, of course... White pelicans on the sandbar. Traffic was backed up for 50+ minutes due to an accident. Google knows everything. This was next to the big power plant. These guys had the best view. These guys were the loudest and had the biggest rooster tail. Many summer homes along the lake. The leaves are getting prettier. Parks and campgrounds in many places. T