Day 1- Jacksonville to Fernandina


We are READY to go!! We will fly this white burgee which indicates we are doing the Great Loop and the white means we are in progress.

The plotter is ready. The course is loaded. We will be traveling via the ICW (Inter Coastal Waterway). The ICW is a series of rivers, streams and cut canals from Miami to Norfolk VA. We will encounter MANY bridges along the way. Some are tall enough that we simply go under them. Others we have to radio the bridge tender and have the bridge opened to allow passage. Some are on set times. Bridges can greatly affect the distance we travel each day.

We started with the sun

Our first bridge

The conditions were perfect, no wind

Another bridge. 
Random photos of what we saw along the way.

Zoom in to see the Maxwell House building and
the EverBank Stadium, home of the Jacksonville Jaguars.

A friend likes tugboats so a few extra pictures of tugs along the way.

This barge is being loaded with semi-trailers. Two are already on at the front right corner. The trailers looked so small.

This barge, a car carrier, is fueled by liquid natural gas. The small barge is for refueling of other barges and tugs.

An excellent first day on the journey! 

Okay, 40.6 miles covered, only approximately 5,950 more to go...

Paul comments in this font
Cheryl comments in this font


  1. Wow, what a great first day; awesome photos.

  2. Lucky you, water was so calm. Great pictures!

  3. These are great pics Cheryl. The bridge rising is interesting too. Will be watching!

  4. When the bridge has to be opened do you have to pay a toll?

    1. No tolls, you just call the bridge tender and they open it according to schedule, if there is one. Some bridges only open on the hour, half hour, etc. A few of the smaller, more rural ones open on request.

  5. Your weather is starting out great! Love the pics and such a streamlined helm! We could've only hoped to go 8kts, in our dreams! We look forward to following your adventures! Too bad we didn't have a chance to meet up. Safe travels!

    1. Hi Gladys and Wayne!! Thanks for answering the question about the bridges. 8 knots, I know!! That was unheard of in the sailboats. I would have enjoyed seeing you guys. Take care... Cheryl

  6. What a great post! Love the chart showing what you did and the pictures are great, Cheryl. My fingers are crossed for Mr. Grady’s successful completion of the Great Loop - and you and Paul of course!

  7. Great pictures! Looks like a fabulous first day!

  8. Awesome Pictures! I like tug boats also! Will be following your journey!

    1. I just commented in the above post that says anonymous didn’t see where it said to enter my name. So I thought I would clarify the anonymous comment. Sincerely Janet

  9. Excellent photos.

  10. Great pictures! Looks like an awesome trip coming up! Enjoy! 😊

  11. Such a great adventure you are on, keep those pics coming!

  12. Testing to see if this appears with my name


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