Day 4 & 5- Kilkenny, GA to Thunderbolt, GA to Savannah, GA


By now you may have gathered that our daily movements are controlled by not only our desire to move to the next location but by the tides and water levels in certain areas. Today was another of those days. Hell's Gate is the problem area this time. This meant another early departure. Those of you who know Paul know that the earlier the better is his favorite departure time. Those of you who know me know that is not my norm. Oh, the changes one is willing to make to live on the water for 8 months!!  

We were already underway when this picture was taken.

The colors intensified as it rose.
Snow Goose is ready to move at any hour.

Meet Grady. He has adjusted fairly quickly to all the new sounds, smells and movements.

One of the work tugs moving equipment to continue the dredging operation.

Can you spot the pelican?

As we are approaching Thunderbolt, a suburb of Savannah, the homes are increasing.

I noticed something in the air. What is that I ask. Paul looks and says "it's a flying dinghy" with absolutely no excitement or interest. WHAT?? A flying dinghy? Yes, they do exist.

Here they landed and are motoring towards the boat ramp.

The wheels are coming into driving position. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of them driving up the boat ramp, but they did! Who knew?? I didn't...

The Goose continues to chug along. The weather has been sunny, calm and warm. The sights have changed somewhat everyday. The humor and laughter on the boat are continual. Life is good.

DAY 5   April 21

We opted to spend two nights in Thunderbolt so we could go sightseeing in Savannah on the no travel day. The Thunderbolt Marina had a couple of "cream puffs" that caught our eye on the walk.
Check out the cup holder on this old gal! Every seat had a cup holder.

There was rain forecast for the mid-afternoon so we ordered the Uber and headed into town mid morning. Our first stop was at Forsyth Park. We enjoyed visiting with several artists who were  displaying their wares at the Sidewalk Arts Festival. After circling the fountain and the park we joined a Hop-on Hop-off bus and saw more of the town.

Forsyth Fountain

The park was full of people enjoying the nice weather. Lots of green grass and flowers too.

Cathedral of St. John

Savannah is a beautiful city with many parks and historical building, sites and stories. Taking pictures from the moving bus did not work so well. I guess you will just have to visit Savannah to see more. As we were sitting down to enjoy an adult beverage and appetizer the clouds moved in. As with all sailors, our plans changed and the Uber was called. We headed back to the marina area which still had sunny skies and made a stop at Tubby Tankhouse Seafood restaurant. Fun place with interesting decor.

Yes, the overhead light fixtures were made of oyster shells.

Being a stained glass artist the fish caught my eye.

About 30 minutes after we returned to the boat the rain came. 
The temperature dropped and we stayed in for the rest of the day.

Thanks for reading the blog. Comments are much appreciated.


  1. I'm here! Testing the buttons and readin the story. Odd that the stories load inversely, not latest at top. But Cheryl, you've already made a dent...Paul, touristing Savannah? OMG! Keep it up kids! And people pics work too! 🙌

  2. Cheryl I thought you were waiting for me!

    1. Like, NO... when are you and Blaise starting???

  3. I want a flying dingy! Savanah looks amazing. May have to put that on my list...

    1. You would look good in a flying dinghy!

  4. Great fun to follow your adventures.

  5. Looks like a fabulous trip so far, love the photos, especially the tugs, bridges, dredging machines- so interesting. Glad to hear laughter and good humor abound.

  6. Cheryl, I want to know how you are getting pictures of the Snow Goose? Or is that a boat that looks a lot like Snow Goose? Glad you two are taking it slow enough to enjoy the journey. The flying dinghy is something I’ve never seen before and I’m wondering why Paul doesn’t have one! Great blog post, thank you!

    1. Mary Alice, we got the pictures of the Goose from the lead boat on the second day of the 4 fleet movement. Paul says the reason he doesn't have a flying dinghy is he "doesn't want to die" . Apparently they are prone to crashing. Glad you are enjoying the blog. That helps me stay motivated to do it.

  7. It's like we're with you! Thanks!!

  8. Love the sunrise! Read about your trip and am enjoying it, thanks for sharing Cheryl.

  9. Savannah is on my bucket list. That is cool

  10. Forget to put my name.

  11. That sunrise is pretty impressive; I would get up early to see that (well maybe once).Keep up the good work on this blog. I'm enjoying it soooo much).
    I would love to see photos from the cabin where you sleep, cook, and get out of the rain when needed). Have fun, stay safe!!!

  12. I loved Savannah. We did the hop on hop off bus and got off all over the place for 2 days. Even spoke to Forest Gump in the park. Glad you are living the dream.

  13. Did you visit Forrest Gump's bench?

    1. We visited the replica of the bench. We saw several replicas, like everywhere we went. LOL


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