Day 73- Fenelon Falls, ON Lock 34 to Orillia, ON Lock 41

Went through 7 locks today including the second tallest lift lock.

Fenelon Falls has a lovely rail-trail along side the lake.  Perfect for that morning walk.

I've never seen this before.  A long time resident of the town willed money to the town to extend the lock wall and provide power, but he heartily disliked power cords crossing the walk.  They cleverly installed pipes into which you can push the end of your power cord and keep the dock tidy.

Unusual place for cairns, but the birds liked them.

The first lock of the day. A whopping 3 miles from Fenelon Falls, I took a stroll up to see if the lock tenders were there. They were, but still keep to the 0900 schedule. 

Cameron Lake had houses on the entire waterfront. 

Several sections of today's trip are affectionately, or not, called 'the ditch'.  Blasted out of the rock it gets quite narrow, without room for boats to pass without nudging the scary sharp edges of the rock.  We did pass one boat going the other way, but in a slightly wider spot than this.

Some spots were a tad shallow, but we never touched.

Oh, so much better! 

This series of photos are of the Kirkfield Lift Lock, the second highest lift lock.  The view is a lot different when going down! Wheeeee! The video is at the end of the photos. 

We dropped 49' in that one.

This is the Canal Bridge locally known as the Hole in the Wall Bridge. The one day we needed calm waters to show the fun of this bridge, we didn't have it. So I went looking and found someone else's picture to show the "hole in the wall".

Pretty little park along the waterfront at Orillia.

Gnarly looking bark on this tree.

Downtown Orillia, for the night.
Cheryl comments in this font
Paul comments in this font



  1. Mary Eleanor WhelanJune 29, 2024 at 2:46 PM

    I wondered if there is a toll or fee for all these locks? What a great adventure you two are having!

    1. Yes, I bought a canal pass and a mooring pass. The canal pass covers the passage through all of the locks. The mooring pass allows you to tie up to the Parks Canada lock walls. The Erie Canal fees have been waived for the last couple of years.

  2. It appears the Snow Goose is taking flight on those high lift locks. Pretty amazing that the structures and creativity in designs stand up all these years later. Love the picture of Captain Paul on deck surveying to horizon. It’s the highest flight for the goose


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