
Showing posts from July, 2024

Day 80- Killbear Marina @ Pengallie Bay, ON to Wright's Marina @ Britt, ON

  The body of water we are headed to is called Byng Inlet.  The only other "Byng" I had ever heard of was a Royal Navy Admiral from several centuries ago who was executed by firing squad on his own quarterdeck after being found guilty of 'failing to do his utmost' with the resultant loss of the island of Minorca to the French.  Needless to say many considered him a scapegoat for the many failings of the government in power. So, it is interesting to me that about a hundred years later  this narrow inlet was blessed with his name. Some folks may not be so happy with  early morning departures ,  but this is one of the benefits . What? Getting pictures with perfect reflections? The Georgian Bay is very rocky and the birds love to sun themselves on them. Red Rock Lighthouse It sure looks like it gets windy, and stays windy, in these parts! The wind was only a light breeze when I took this picture. Happy Canada Day! (a few days late) Almost every rock seems to have a house

Day 78 & 79- Midland, On to Killbear Marina @ Pengallie Bay, ON

DAY 78    July 3 Our slip at the Bay Port Marina in Midland gave us front row seats to watching the boats come in and out of the dry racks in the big shed. On Canada Day, July 1, we watched a constant stream of boats. That forklift didn't stop anytime we were on the boat from 9AM to 7 PM. I saw way less action on the 2nd and 3rd of July. After 3 nights in Midland it was time for the Goose to fly. DAY 79    July 4 Happy 4th of July! We are taking the "small boat route" up the bay.  This threads its way inside the literally thousands of small islands and rocks.  It's well marked, thank goodness and plenty deep. We will keep making progress as the weather permits.  There will be a couple of passages out in open water and you simply don't want to be there when the wind gets up. Finally, a Canadian Lighthouse with some character, oh wait, it's fake. These next photos are a collection of what we saw today.  Lots of beautiful blue water with rocks sticking up.  See t