Days 99-103 - July 24-28 More at Sutton Bay Marina, Sutton Bay, IL
DAY 99 & 100 & 101 & 102 & 103
July 23-28
Suttons Bay, Michigan. Yup. We're still here. Quite nice, actually.
Two flights of wine at a lovely vineyard, with some pretzel bites. Not bad. Not bad at all. Although, I think there was something loose on the bike going home.
It tended to wobble a bit.
Saw crops along the bike path. The corn looks good.
The water is quite clear. The families were enjoying it. I stuck my hand in it and quickly determined it is still too cold for me.

These two signs were on the bike path. After some research I learned they are part of an art installation. The info about it is below the next photo.

Scott Froschauer, The Word on the Street, 2018
By using the materials and visual language of street signs, but replacing the traditional negative wording (Stop, Do Not Enter, Wrong Way…) with positive affirmations, “The Word on the Street” seeks to provide something that is missing from our daily visual diet. We have installed two pieces from the “Word on the Street” series along the Leelanau Trail, Interstate Now UROK and One Way Heart.
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