Day 173-175- October 6, 7 & 8

Paris Landing to Pebble Isle Marina.
Another 26.8 mile "let's not get to Florida yet" day.

The Lodge at Paris Landing State Park.  This is a pretty swanky place.  I liked it!!

This guy takes his mowing seriously!

Some very nice homes along the lake.

In many places you can see where the flooded area of the original Tennessee still appears.  On the chart, you can see the original river bed and notations that mark the streets, roads and railroads that used to be along the river.


Whew, he missed us!!

It shows on the charts, but I didn't expect it to look like this.

Watch your last step...

Our new home!
Paul, you've got mail waiting for you here.

A couple of days before we left Green Turtle Bay Marina (if I can remember that far back...) I was taking a siesta.  Then, I thought to myself, "What smells like smoke?" And the the air conditioner suddenly stopped.  Hmmm  The breaker wasn't tripped.  Check the power post on the dock, not tripped.  Come back to the boat and grab the power plug and, hoo boy, it's toasty! Now I know what smelled like smoke.

Why am I telling this story now?  Well, I couldn't get a replacement before we moved along and the best bet for location and shipping time was Pebble Isle.   The new receptacle was waiting for us when we got here and was installed in short (no pun intended) order.

My master electrician opined that the root cause was low voltage on the marina system, but the weak link was the connection on the boat when the AC kicked on. But it's fixed!

We were provided with a lovely sunset, again. Thank you!

DAY 174
October 7

We took a bike ride from the marina to the park.

Living quarters for the colored troops?

This group of headstones were of 1 man, 2 women and the others were all children, the oldest only 3 years old. Difficult times.

Trying to figure out if I can get this on the boat.  Everybody needs one of these.

The fruit of Osage orange tree also known as hedge apples, hedge balls, monkey brains. Found these laying along the road. In the past I have purchased these to repel bugs. I never thought they did much, but it turns out I didn't research how to do it. Now I learned-
"To use the fruit as a pest repellent, cut the fruit in half and place it in a dish located in the pest problem area. The fruit will ooze a messy milky sap as they degrade, so the dish is important to avoid the mess! One piece of fruit will last for a few weeks."

DAY 175

October 8

The Park office and museum is over two mile away from the park, but it is a nice museum. Johnsonville wasn't a major civil war battlefield.  More like a skirmish.  Confederate cavalry raided it to disrupt Union supplies that were coming in by steamboat and going out by rail to feed William Tecumseh Sherman's army in the Georgia campaign.  The south won that skirmish but, spoiler alert, they lost the war.

What a muddy mess they had to work in.

I found the tissue wrapped, cross-section, of the ammo rather interesting.

This snapping turtle is having an Asian carp for lunch.  This thing is easily two feet long on the shell.  Yipes!  It could bite your leg off.

Watch the snapper have his lunch in this video. 

Leftovers, again?

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