Day 226-227- November 29 & 30 Stuart, FL to Fort Pierce, FL to Titusville, FL
A short-ish day today, to Fort Pierce.
I lived here for several years and a dear friend still lives here.
Santa came to Stuart. With his Flamingo.
We all need one of these!
You go first, Paul, I will video you wiping out, oops, I mean using it.
You go first, Paul, I will video you wiping out, oops, I mean using it.
Another new boatyard. A massive travel lift for biiiig boats.
We need one of these, too.
Along with the captain to drive it.
Along with the captain to drive it.
They must have a lot of BIG boats here, another big travel lift.
I never get tired of seeing pelicans or dolphins.
Cool thing is, we have seen both everyday since being back in salt water.

I love seeing flowers blooming again. Gotta love south Florida.

I love seeing flowers blooming again. Gotta love south Florida.
My dear friend Shelley came for lunch and took us to the grocery store.
What every cruiser always wants!
Making himself known on the lunch table.
Think this one is accustomed to being around people?

Paul always says no fishing, no fish on this boat... ha, ha, this one got on.
It's a 2" long flying fish I found on the back swim step, poor thing.
One of those hurricanes deposited these boats on the beach.
Nice paint job on the water tanks at this power plant.
Almost all of the traffic was southbound. Who can blame them, it's cold up north!

Cheryl made the stew and Paul made the funny shaped biscuits.
Very delicious!

Loved the clouds at this sunset.
Another good day on the water.
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